Darr, Eric D.

Topic Weight Topic Terms
0.173 knowledge sharing contribution practice electronic expertise individuals repositories management technical repository knowledge-sharing shared contributors novelty
0.166 research study influence effects literature theoretical use understanding theory using impact behavior insights examine influences
0.152 organizational organizations effectiveness factors managers model associated context characteristics variables paper relationships level attention environmental
0.141 distributed agents agent intelligent environments environment smart computational environmental scheduling human rule using does embodied
0.117 information systems paper use design case important used context provide presented authors concepts order number

Focal Researcher     Coauthors of Focal Researcher (1st degree)     Coauthors of Coauthors (2nd degree)

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Goodman, Paul S. 1
C8CS 1 field study. 1 knowledge sharing 1 organizational learning 1

Articles (1)

Computer-Aided Systems and Communities: Mechanisms for Organizational Learning in Distributed Environments. (MIS Quarterly, 1998)
Authors: Abstract:
    This paper examines the role of computer-aided systems (CAS) for enhancing organizational learning in distributed environments. The basic research questions are: how do features of CAS enhance organizational learning, and how does organizational context influence the role of CAS in organizational learning? The theoretical framework focuses on the decision to contribute and adopt knowledge in distributed environments. Specifically, the paper investigates the intersections between the features of CAS and inhibitors to contributing or adopting knowledge, in the light of different organizational context variables. Two cases of information environments for knowledge sharing are examined: a formal electronic library system and an informal community that uses a variety of communication technologies. The cases are used to illustrate how the intersection between CAS features and the decisions to adopt and contribute enhance or inhibit knowledge sharing.